Speech-centric machine learning systems have revolutionized many leading domains ranging from transportation and healthcare to education and defense, profoundly changing how people live, work, and interact with each other. However, recent studies have demonstrated that many speech-centric ML systems may need to be considered more trustworthy for broader deployment. Specifically, concerns over privacy breaches, discriminating performance, and vulnerability to adversarial attacks have all been discovered in ML research fields. In order to address the above challenges and risks, a significant number of efforts have been made to ensure these ML systems are trustworthy, especially private, safe, and fair. In this paper, we conduct the first comprehensive survey on speech-centric trustworthy ML topics related to privacy, safety, and fairness. In addition to serving as a summary report for the research community, we point out several promising future research directions to inspire the researchers who wish to explore further in this area.
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A major goal of multimodal research is to improve machine understanding of images and text. Tasks include image captioning, text-to-image generation, and vision-language representation learning. So far, research has focused on the relationships between images and text. For example, captioning models attempt to understand the semantics of images which are then transformed into text. An important question is: which annotation reflects best a deep understanding of image content? Similarly, given a text, what is the best image that can present the semantics of the text? In this work, we argue that the best text or caption for a given image is the text which would generate the image which is the most similar to that image. Likewise, the best image for a given text is the image that results in the caption which is best aligned with the original text. To this end, we propose a unified framework that includes both a text-to-image generative model and an image-to-text generative model. Extensive experiments validate our approach.
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Monitoring water is a complex task due to its dynamic nature, added pollutants, and land build-up. The availability of high-resolu-tion data by Sentinel-2 multispectral products makes implementing remote sensing applications feasible. However, overutilizing or underutilizing multispectral bands of the product can lead to inferior performance. In this work, we compare the performances of ten out of the thirteen bands available in a Sentinel-2 product for water segmentation using eight machine learning algorithms. We find that the shortwave infrared bands (B11 and B12) are the most superior for segmenting water bodies. B11 achieves an overall accuracy of $71\%$ while B12 achieves $69\%$ across all algorithms on the test site. We also find that the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm is the most favourable for single-band water segmentation. The SVM achieves an overall accuracy of $69\%$ across the tested bands over the given test site. Finally, to demonstrate the effectiveness of choosing the right amount of data, we use only B11 reflectance data to train an artificial neural network, BandNet. Even with a basic architecture, BandNet is proportionate to known architectures for semantic and water segmentation, achieving a $92.47$ mIOU on the test site. BandNet requires only a fraction of the time and resources to train and run inference, making it suitable to be deployed on web applications to run and monitor water bodies in localized regions. Our codebase is available at https://github.com/IamShubhamGupto/BandNet.
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This work presents a physics-informed deep learning-based super-resolution framework to enhance the spatio-temporal resolution of the solution of time-dependent partial differential equations (PDE). Prior works on deep learning-based super-resolution models have shown promise in accelerating engineering design by reducing the computational expense of traditional numerical schemes. However, these models heavily rely on the availability of high-resolution (HR) labeled data needed during training. In this work, we propose a physics-informed deep learning-based framework to enhance the spatial and temporal resolution of coarse-scale (both in space and time) PDE solutions without requiring any HR data. The framework consists of two trainable modules independently super-resolving the PDE solution, first in spatial and then in temporal direction. The physics based losses are implemented in a novel way to ensure tight coupling between the spatio-temporally refined outputs at different times and improve framework accuracy. We analyze the capability of the developed framework by investigating its performance on an elastodynamics problem. It is observed that the proposed framework can successfully super-resolve (both in space and time) the low-resolution PDE solutions while satisfying physics-based constraints and yielding high accuracy. Furthermore, the analysis and obtained speed-up show that the proposed framework is well-suited for integration with traditional numerical methods to reduce computational complexity during engineering design.
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在过去的几年中,多方计算(MPC)作为安全计算模型一直在越来越受欢迎,尤其是对于机器学习(ML)推断。与竞争对手相比,MPC的开销少于同构加密(HE),并且比基于硬件的可信执行环境(TEE)(例如Intel SGX)具有更强的威胁模型。尽管具有明显的优势,但在应用于ML算法时,MPC协议仍然与针对性相比,仍要支付大量的绩效罚款。开销是由于增加的计算和通信成本。对于在ML算法中无处不在的乘法,MPC协议在MPC服务器之间增加了32x更多的计算成本和1轮广播。此外,由于SoftMax,Relu和其他非线性操作,其具有微不足道的成本的ML计算由于增加了沟通而变得非常昂贵。这些添加的开销使MPC不太适合在实时ML推理框架(例如语音翻译)中部署。在这项工作中,我们提出了MPC-Pipe,这是一种使用两种ML特异性方法的MPC管道推理技术。 1)内线间管道和2)内层管道。这两种技术缩短了机器学习模型的总推理运行时。与当前的MPC协议实现相比,当模型权重公开时,我们的实验已显示可将ML推断潜伏期降低多达12.6%,而在模型权重公开时,将ML推断潜伏期最高12.6%。
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因果推理提供了一种语言,以提出纯粹统计关联以外的重要介入和反事实问题。例如,在医学成像中,我们可能希望研究遗传,环境或生活方式因素对解剖表型正常和病理变异的因果关系。但是,尽管可以可靠地构建从自动图像分割中提取的3D表面网格的解剖形状模型,但缺乏计算工具来实现有关形态变化的因果推理。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了深层结构性因果形状模型(CSM),该模型利用了高质量的网格生成技术,从几何深度学习,在深层结构性因果模型的表达框架内。 CSM可以通过反事实网格产生来实现特定于受试者的预后(“如果患者大十岁,该患者的大脑结构将如何变化?”),这与大多数当前有关纯粹人口级统计形状建模的作品形成鲜明对比。我们通过许多定性和定量实验利用了3D脑结构的大数据集,证明了Pearl因果关系层次结构的所有级别CSM的能力。
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